What is your normal turnaround time?
Normal turnaround time is 10 working days. Accommodations for rush orders can be made by calling our service staff at 1-800-222-0495.
What is the life expectancy of your occlusal splints?
These products are unconditionally guaranteed for one year, but when properly cared for, they will last several years or more.
How should these appliances be cared for?
Clean with a soft bristle toothbrush and ordinary soap. Or soak for 15 to 30 minutes in our BriteTouch™ Cleaner, then rinse and store dry.
What is the difference between SofTouch™ and Flexi-Guard™?
SofTouch has a hard biting surface. Flexi-Guard is pliable throughout.
Should the splint be an upper or a lower?
Over 85% of the occlusal splints made by Annalan are uppers, but the choice is really a matter of personal preference. Lower splints are often recommended for patients with class III occlusions.